Prof. Hee-Woong Kim, PhD
Google Scholar :
Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University
50, Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel: (82-2) 2123-4195
Mar. 2017 - Present Yonsei University, Graduate School of Information
Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2015 Yonsei University, Graduate School of Information
(Underwood Distinguished Professor)
Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2017 Yonsei University, Graduate School of Information
(Associate Professor, Early Tenure)
Apr. 2002 - Feb. 2009 National University of Singapore, Department of Information Systems
(Assistant Professor)
Sep. 1999 - Mar. 2002 LG CNS, Entrue Consulting
(Senior IS Consultant)
May 1998 - Aug. 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management
(Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)
Doctor of Philosophy (Management Information Systems), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Graduate School of Management
Master of Engineering (Management Information Systems), Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Department of Industrial Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Department of Industrial Engineering
Listed in the World Top 2% Scientists (Elsevier, 2023)
Listed in the World Top 2% Scientists (Elsevier, 2022)
Listed in the World Top 2% Scientists (Elsevier, 2021)
Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellowship, 2024/9~2026/8
Faculty Contribution Award (공헌교수상), Yonsei University, 2024
Underwood Distinguished Professor (언더우드 특훈 교수), Yonsei University, 2013 - 2015
Yonsei Academic Award (연세학술상), Yonsei University, 2014
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2020
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2019
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2018
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2017
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2016
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2015
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2014
University Research Award (우수업적교수상), Yonsei University, 2010
Ranked #44 worldwide in terms of top-level IS journal (MISQ, ISR, and JAIS) publications between 2008 and 2012 []
Ranked #45 worldwide in terms of top-level IS journal publications between 2010 and 2012 []
Highly Commended Papers Award, Internet Research Literati Award, 2021
Best Paper Award, International Conference on Information Systems, 19th Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, 2019
Best Paper Nominee, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2006
Best Paper Nominee, International Conference on Information Systems, 2004
Best Paper Award, International Conference on Innovation and Management(IAM), Sapporo, 2015
Best Paper Award, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), KMIS Workshop, Jeju Korea, 2013
Best Paper 2nd Runner Up Award , Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Hochimin Vietnam, 2012
ICIS Doctoral Consortium Member, 1997
Associations for Information Systems
Co-President, Korea Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (KrAIS) (2017 - 2018)
Yonsei University
PI(사업단장), BK21 Plus Project, 2016 - 2020, 2020-Present
Associate Dean(부원장), Graduate School of Information, 2018/3 - 2020/2, 2020/3-2022/2
Director, IT Policy & Strategy Research Center (2012 - 2015)
Senior Editor, Decision Support Systems (2024~2025)
Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly (2022/1 ~ 2023/12, 2024/1~2025/12)
Guest Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly (MISQ) (2013 - 2014)
Editorial Board, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (2011 - 2013)
Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2011 - 2016)
Track Chair, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2024
Junior Faculty Consortium Chair, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2023
Track Chair, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2021
Track Chair, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2021
Program Co-Chair, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2019
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2017
Organizing Co-Chair, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2013
Associate Editor, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2010
Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2006
Track Chair, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2015, 2012, 2009
Program Committee, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2010, 2007, 2006
MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, European Journal of IS, International Journal of EC, DSS, Information & Mgt.
Social Media: Social media services, Social media marketing, Cyberbullying
Digital Business: Online customer behavior, Business models, Machine Learning Applications
IS Management: User resistance to change, IS infusion
SeongBeom Kim, Woosik Shin, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Predicting Online Customer Purchase: The Integration of Customer Characteristics and Browsing Patterns," Decision Support Systems (DSS), 2023.
Sang-Hyeak Yoon, Gayeon Park, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Unraveling the relationship between the dimensions of user experience and user satisfaction: A smart speaker case," Technology in Society, 2022/11, Article 102076
Sang-Hyeak Yoon, Hee-Woong Kim, and Atreyi Kankanhalli, "What Makes People Watch Online TV Clips? An Empirical Investigation of Survey Data and Viewing Logs," International Journal of Information Management, 59, 2021/8.
Lee, S.-H., Choi, S. and Kim, H.-W. "Unveiling the success factors of BTS: a mixed-methods approach", Internet Research, 2021/10, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 1518-1540. Highly Recommended Paper Award (Link)
So-Hyun Lee, Su-Jin Choi and Hee-Woong Kim, "What makes people send gifts via social network services? A mixed methods approach", Internet Research, 30(1), 2020, 1066-2243. Literati Award Winner 2021.
Hee-Woong Kim, Atreyi Kankanhalli, and So-Hyun Lee, “Examining Gifting through Social Network Services: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective,” Information Systems Research (ISR), 29(4), 2018, pp. 805-828.
So-Hyun Lee and Hee-Woong Kim, “Why do people post benevolent and malicious comments online?,” Communnications of the ACM, 2015.
Hee-Woong Kim and Sumeet Gupta, "A User Empowerment Approach to Information Systems Infusion," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61(4), Nov 2014, 656-668.
Hee-Woong Kim, Hock Chuan Chan and Atreyi Kankanhalli, "What motivates people to purchase digital items on virtual community websites? The desire for online self-presentation," Information Systems Research (ISR), 23(4), December 2012, pp.1232-1245.
Hee-Woong Kim, "The effects of switching costs on user resistance to enterprise systems implementation," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(3), Aug 2011, pp.471-482.
Yunjie Xu, Hee-Woong Kim and Atreyi Kankanhalli, "Antecedents of sourcing frequency in task and social information seeking," Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 27(3), Winter 2010-11, pp. 215-244.
Loo Geok Pee, Atreyi Kankanhalli and Hee-Woong Kim, "Knowledge sharing in information systems development: A social interdependence perspective," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 11(10), Oct 2010, pp. 550-575.
Hee-Woong Kim and Atreyi Kankanhalli, "Investigating User Resistance to Change in IS implementation," MIS Quarterly, 33(3), September 2009, pp. 567-582.
Yunjie Xu and Hee-Woong Kim, "Order effect and vendor inspection in online comparison shopping," Journal of Retailing, 84(4), December 2008, 477-486.
Sumeet Gupta and Hee-Woong Kim, "Linking Structural Equation Modeling to Bayesian Testing: Decision Support for Customer Retention in Virtual Communities," European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 91(3), Nov 2008, 818-833.
Suparna Goswami, Hock Chuan Chan and Hee-Woong Kim, "The role of visualization tools in spreadsheet error correction from a cognitive fit perspective," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 9(6), June 2008, 321-344.
Hee-Woong Kim, Hock Chuan Chan and Sumeet Gupta, “Value-Based Adoption of Mobile Internet Service: An empirical investigation,” Decision Support Systems (DSS), 43(1), Feb 2007, pp. 111-126. [Ranked 2nd in the most cited DSS articles]
Hee-Woong Kim, Hock Chuan Chan and Yeepia Chan, "A balanced thinking-feelings model of information systems continuance," International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(6), 2007, pp. 511-525.
Hock Chuan Chan, Hee-Woong Kim and Weai Chee Tan, "Information Systems Citation Patterns from International Conference on Information Systems Articles," Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 57(9), 2006, 1263-1274.
Hee-Woong Kim, Yunjie Xu and Joon Koh, "A comparison of online trust building factors between potential customers and repeat customers," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 5(10), October 2004, pp. 392-420. [The 5th most downloaded article in JAIS 2005]
Woosik Shin and Hee-Woong Kim, “Coping with Self-harm in Elderly People: The Impact of Internet Use on Suicidal Ideation,” International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS), Copenhagen, Denmark, December 2022. (Best Short Paper in Track) (Link)
Hee-Woong Kim, Sumeet Gupta, and So-Hyun Lee, "Examining information systems infusion over the routinization," Pre-ICIS SIG-HCI Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2019 Dec, Munich Germany, [Best Paper Award]
Sumeet Gupta, Vidushi Pandey, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Role of Social Media Usage and Social Capital in Citizen's Online Political Participation," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin Ireland, December 2016.
So-Hyun Lee, Hee-Woong Kim, and Eun-Young Cho, “What Motivates People to Post Comments Online,” Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), HCI/MIS Workshop, December 2014, Auckland New Zealand.
Jung-Eun Son, Hee-Woong Kim and Yoon-Jung Jang, “Investigating Factors Affecting Electronic Word-of-Mouth in the Open Market Context,” Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Hochiminh Vietnam, 2012. [Second Runner-up Award]
Hee-Woong Kim, "Managing user resistance to switch for open source software," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Saint Louis, Missouri US, Dec 2010.
Ee Hong Ng and Hee-Woong Kim, “Investigating information systems infusion and the moderating role of habit: A user empowerment perspective,” Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Pheonix US, Dec 2009.
Raymond Zheng and Hee-Woong Kim, "Investigating knowledge contribution from the online identity perspective," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Montreal Canada, 2007.
Hock Chuan Chan and Hee-Woong Kim, "An alternative mechanism for the cognitive fit theory in spreadsheet analysis," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Montreal Canada, 2007.
Yunjie Xu and Hee-Woong Kim, "Task Performance and Social Information Seeking," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwakee US, 2006.
Suparna, Hock Chuan Chan and Hee-Woong Kim, "Spreadsheet Error Correction using an Activity Framework and a Cognitive Fit Perspective," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwakee US, 2006.
Hee-Woong Kim and Yunjie Xu, "Internet shopping: Is it a matter of perceived price or trust," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Washington DC, 2004, 831-842. (Nominated for Best Paper)
Hee-Woong Kim, Hock-Chan Chuan, Yee Pia Chan and Sumeet Gupta, "Understanding the balanced effects of belief and feeling on information systems continuance," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Washington DC, 2004, 297-310.
Sumeet Gupta and Hee-Woong Kim, "Enhancing the commitment to virtual community: Belief and feeling based approach," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Washington DC, 2004, 101-114.
Hee-Woong Kim, Gil-Hyung Lee and Shan-Ling Pan, "Exploring the Critical Success Factors for Customer Relationship Management Systems," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona Spain, 2002. 1-6.
Hee-Woong Kim, "Enhancement of organizational performance using dynamic process modeling," Internaional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Doctoral Consortium, Atlanta Georgia, 1997.
AI. Fintech Business Models
Data Science
Service Systems and Management
System Dynamics for Management
Digital Business Models
Information Systems Consulting
Information Systems Research
Social Science Research Methods
Academic Projects
Korea Research Foundation, Social Science Korea (SSK), 12.09 ~ 22.08
Korea Research Foundation, Techno Change Management, 10.06 ~ 12.05
Korea Research Foundation, Extended Use of IS, 09.07 ~ 10.06
Yonsei University, Mobile Internet Service Usage Model, 09.05 ~ 10.05
National University of Singapore, Investigating Information Systems Infusion, Mar 2008 - Feb 2009
National University of Singapore, Retaining customers and generating price premium in electronic markets, Sep 2005 - Aug 2008
National University of Singapore, Exploring the mechanism leading to the success of electronic commerce, Aug 2003 - July 2006
National University of Singapore, Exploring the associated factors with customer relationship management systems success, July 2002 - June 2004
Center for Coordination Science (Center for Coordination Science), MIT, " Inventing Organizations: Process Handbook Application,"
1998/5 - 1999/8/2
National Science Foundation (U.S.), "Process Interchange Format," 1998/11 - 1999/2
Korea Science & Engineering Foundation, "Business process redesign and performance evaluation with dynamic modeling," 1995/3 - 1997/2
Industry Seminar
Booyung Construction Company, Knowledgement Management for Construction Business, 2012.
Tecity Financial Group, System Dynamics for Decision Making in Investment Market, Sep 2007
Singapore Defense Science and Technology (DSTA), System Dynamics for National Defense, June 2007.