Seongbeom Kim, Woosik Shin and Hee-Woong Kim, "Do Loyal Customers Lead to Higher Purchases? The Role of Browsing Patterns in E-Commerce" Post-ICIS KrAIS Research Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2024.
Seongbeom Kim, Jaehui Kim and Hee-Woong Kim, "Enhancing Retail Demand Forecasting: A Decoupled Framework for Multiview Learning" Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), December 2024.
Seongbeom Kim, Woosik Shin and Hee-Woong Kim, "Are Loyal Customers Always More Likely to Buy on the Platform? Moderating Role of Browsing Pattern" Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, July 2024. (Best Short Paper Nominees) (Link)
Woosik Shin and Hee-Woong Kim, “Coping with Self-harm in Elderly People: The Impact of Internet Use on Suicidal Ideation,” International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS), Copenhagen, Denmark, December 2022. (Best Short Paper in Track) (Link)
Dine Yon, Gayeon Park and Hee-Woong Kim, "Enhancing User Experience of Smart Speakers: A Text Mining Approach", International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E), Osaka Japan, January 2020.
Saeah Shon, Jinsol Kim and Hee-Woong Kim, "What Features of Fitness App Make People walk?", International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E), Osaka Japan, January 2020.
Hee-Woong Kim, Sumeet Gupta, and So-Hyun Lee, "Examining information systems infusion over the routinization," Pre-ICIS SIG-HCI Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich Germany, Dec 2019. (Best Paper Award)
Minsu Kim, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Text Mining Analysis of Hackers' Online Black Market," International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM), Hiroshima Japan, July 2019.
Gyeong Ju, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Study on Promotion of Tourism Industry in Korea by Analyzing Singularity through Data Analysis," International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM), Hiroshima Japan, July 2019.
Soobin Choi, Gayeon Park, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Text Mining Approach to the Analysis of BTS fever," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information System (PACIS), Xi'an China, July 2019.
Sun-Gyu Lee, Soobin Choi, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Text Mining Approach to the Analysis of e-Learning Satisfaction," International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E), Tokyo Japan, January 2019.
Saeah Shon, Byeong-Jin Jeon, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Exploring the Critical Success Factors for Blockchain," International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E), Tokyo Japan, January 2019.
Byeong-Jin Jeon, Saeah Shon, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Text Mining Approach to the Comparative Analysis of the Blockchain Issues: South Korea and the United States," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), Seoul Korea, July 2018.
Dongji Moon, Dine Yon, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Topic Modeling Approach to the Analysis of Seniors' Happiness and Unhappiness in Korea," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), Okinawa Japan, January 2018.
Yoon-Jin Choi, Byeong-Jin Jeon, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Cyber Bullying Index and Losada Ratio for Identifying Cyber Bullies," International Conference on Information Systems, KrAIS Workshop, Seoul Korea, 2017. (Best Student Paper Award)
Yoon-Jin Choi and Hee-Woong Kim, "An Exploratory Study on Multi-Channel Network Business in Korea," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), Hiroshima Japan, July 2017.
Sodam Kim and Hee-Woong Kim, "Examining Malicious Comments Online: Bystander Effect and Self-purification Effort," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), Hiroshima Japan, July 2017.
Seung-Su Park, Byeong-Jin Jeon, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Machine Learning-based Predictive Model for Television Drama Viewer Rating," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), Hiroshima Japan, July 2017.
Sodam Kim and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Big data Analytics Approach to Service Quality Measurement," International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Technology, Bangkok Thailand, February 2017.
Yoon-Jin Choi and Hee-Woong Kim, "The Data Analytics Approach to the Analysis of Facebook Marketing," International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Technology, Bangkok Thailand, February 2017.
Byeong-Jin Jeon and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Text Mining Approach to the Analysis of Online Second-hand Market," International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Technology, Bangkok Thailand, February 2017.
Yoon-Jin Choi, Byeong-Jin Jeon, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Exploring Sweepstakes Marketing Strategies in Facebook Brand Fan Pages," International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management (ISSSM), Hokkaido Japan, January 2017.
Jungkook An and Hee-Woong Kim, "An Empirical Study of Word-of-Mouth Effect on Bitcoin Trading," International Conference on Information Systems, LG CNS/KrAIS Research Workshop, Dublin Ireland, 2016. (Best Student Paper Award)
Sumeet Gupta, Vidushi Pandey, and Hee-Woong Kim, “Role of Social Media Usage and Social Capital in Citizen’s Online Political Participation," International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin Ireland, December 2016.
Youn-Jung Kang, Jin Young Lee and Hee-Woong Kim, "Examining the Effect of User Empowerment on Knowledge Sharing," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Chiayi Taiwan, July 2016.
Woo-Jin Jung, Sang-Yong Tom Lee, and Hee-Woong Kim, "The Relationship Between IT Investment and Employment: Are They Substitutes or Complements?," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Chiayi Taiwan, July 2016.
Tae-Heon Lee, Won-Kyung Sung, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Text Mining Approach to the Analysis of Information Security Awareness: Korea, United States, and China," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Chiayi Taiwan, July 2016.
Tae-Young Kong, Jong-Won Park, and Young-Ju Youn, "Examining the antecedents of mobile office use," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), Nagoya Japan, July 2016.
Sung-Tae Oh, Sodam Kim,and Hee-Woong Kim, "Examining the Drivers of Employee Performance in Projects," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), Nagoya Japan, July 2016.
Seungjun Yang, Jee-Eun Choi, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Study on Factors Influencing the Customer Participation through SNS Promotion Event," International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology (ICABMIT), Osaka Japan, February 2016.
Kyu Hyun Lee, Sun-Gyu Lee, Jee-Eun Choi, and Hee-Woong Kim, "What do people talk about the hackers group “Anonymous” in 2015? A Topic Modeling Approach," International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology (ICABMIT), Osaka Japan, February 2016.
Jungkook An, "The Empirical Analysis of Social Media Marketing Messages on Customer Engagement," Yonsei-NUS Doctoral Consortium, Singapore, January 2016.
Tae-heon Lee and Hee-Woong Kim, "An Exploratory Study on Fintech Industry in Korea: Crowdfunding Case," International conference on Innovative Engineering Technologies (ICIET'2015), Bangkok Thailand, August, 2015.
Eun-Young Cho, Hee-Woong Kim, and Sun-Gyu Lee, "Examining the Use of Emoticons for the Impression Management in Social Network Services," International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM), Sapporo Japan, July 2015.
Seung-Yeon Cho, Jee-Eun Choi, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Study of Recommendation Model Utilizing Customer Online Reviews through Multiple Kernel Learning," International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM), Sapporo Japan, July 2015. (Best Paper Award)
Lee J., Min J.Y., and Hee-Woong Kim, “Want-To vs. Have-To Socializations in Social Network Sites: Fear of Isolation, Jealousy, and Tie Strength,” Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore, July 2015.
Jungkook An, Woojin Jung, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A Green Flag Over Mobile Industry Start-ups: Human Capital and Past Investors as Investment Signals," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore, July 2015.
Seung-Yeon Cho, Jungkook An, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Business intelligence for electronic commerce: A collaborative recommenation system based on online customer reviews," The International Conference on Management, Business, and Economics (ICMBE), Sydney Austalia, February 2015.
Jungkook An, "A Green Flag Over Mobile Industry Start-ups: Human Capital and Past Investors as Investment Signals," Yonsei-NUS Doctoral Consortium, Singapore, January 2015.
So-Hyun Lee, Hee-Woong Kim, and Eun-Young Cho, “What Motivates People to Post Comments Online,” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), HCI/MIS Workshop, December 2014, Auckland New Zealand.
Seung-Yeon Cho, Hyun-Koo Kim, Beomsoo Kim, and Hee-Woong Kim, "ONLINE REVIEW MINING FOR THE PREDICTION OF MOVIE REVENUE GENERATION," Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI), Yokohama Japan, July 2014.
Jin Young Lee, Hee-Woong Kim, and Bo Yeon Lee, "Contributing Knowledge To Electronic Knowledge Repository System." Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI), Yokohama Japan, July 2014.
Jong Un Lee, Kyung-Jin Seo, and Hee-Woong Kim, "A CASE STUDY ON THE CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICES IN KOREA," Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI), Yokohama Japan, July 2014.
Yoon-Jung Jang, Eun-Young Cho, and Hee-Woong Kim, "AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING ONLINE BENEVOLENT COMMENT," Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI), Yokohama Japan, July 2014.
Hee-Woong Kim, Seungjun Yang, and Son Mac, "Towards the Success of Cyber University in South Korea," 12th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, Singapore, Jan 2014.
Ji-Eun Lee, So-Hyun Lee, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Examining Brand Engagement in the Mobile Social Network Service Marketing Context," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Jeju Korea, 2013.
Jung-Eun Son and Hee-Woong Kim, "Examining Social Network Service Users' Citizenship Behavior : A Social Capital Perspective," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Jeju Korea, 2013.
Hee-Woong Kim, Hock Chuan Chan, and So-Hyun Lee, "A User Commitment Approach to Information Systems Infusion," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Hochiminh Vietnam, 2012. (2nd Runner-Up Award)
Jung-Eun Son, Hee-Woong Kim, and Yoon-Jung Jang, "Investigating Factors Affecting Electronic Word-of-Mouth in the Open Market Context," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Hochiminh Vietnam, 2012. (2nd Runner-Up Award)
Hee-Woong Kim, Seung-Eui Noh, Ji-Eun Lee, and Jung-Eun Son, "An Exploratory Study on the Factors Affecting Electronic Word-of-Mouth," The Eighth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society, Tailand, 23-24 February 2012.
Hee-Woong Kim, Su-Jin Choi, and Dong-Young Kim, "The Effect of Socio-Technical System on User Commitment," International Conferenece on Information Systems ICIS, LG CNS/KrAIS Workshop, Shanghai China, 2011.
Hee-Woong Kim, Yoon-Seung Jeon, and Su-Jin Choi, “Examining antecedents of wimax continuance,” International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute(APDSI), Taipei Taiwan, 2011.
Ji-Eun Lee and Ki-Jun Park, “Mobile Internet services continuance: A rational decision making and automatic behavioral perspective,” International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute(APDSI), Taipei Taiwan, 2011.
Hee-Woong Kim, Hyun-Lyung Lee, and Jung-Eun Son, "An exploratory study on the determinants of smartphone app purchase," International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI), Taipei Twaiwan, 2011.
Hee-Woong Kim, “"Managing user resistance to switch for open source software," International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Saint Louis, Missouri US, Dec 2010.
Hee-Woong Kim, Su-Jin Choi, and Ki-Ho Kim, "Examining online switching costs over search product and experience product contexts," Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Taipe Taiwan, 2010.
Ee Hong Ng and Hee-Woong Kim, "“Investigating information systems infusion and the moderating role of habit: A user empowerment perspective,”" International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Pheonix US, Dec 2009.
Hee-Woong Kim, Joon Koh, and Hyun-Lyung Lee, "Investigating the intention of purchasing digital items in virtual communities,” Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Hyderabad India, 2009.
Hee-Woong Kim and Nipuna Perera, "Software Continuance from the Switching Costs Perspective: A Case of Web Browser," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Suzho China, July 2008.
Raymond Zheng and Hee-Woong Kim, "Investigating knowledge contribution from the online identity perspective," International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Montreal Canada, 2007.
Hock Chuan Chan and Hee-Woong Kim, "An alternative mechanism for the cognitive fit theory in spreadsheet analysis," International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Montreal Canada, 2007.
Hee-Woong Kim and Hock Chuan Chan, "Why people pay for digital items? Presentation desire of online identity," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Auckland New Zealand, July 2007.
Kim, H.-W. and Kwahk, K.-Y. “Examining the Continuance of Mobile Internet Service Usage: Dedication-based and Constraint-based Relationship Perspective,” IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) International Conference e-Commerce 2006, Barcelona, Spain, December 9-11, 2006, pp.135-142. (Outstanding Paper Award)
Sumeet Gupta, Hee-Woong Kim, and Zheng Jun "Converting Virtual Community Members into Online Purchase Customers," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), KL Malaysia, July 2006. (Nominated for Best Paper)
Hee-Woong Kim and Darren Es Se Toh, "Moderating the Price Sensitivity of Online Customers," IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'06) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE'06), San Francisco US, June 2006.
Sumeet Gupta and Hee-Woong Kim, "The moderating effect of transaction experience on value driven Internet shopping," European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Gothenburg Sweden, May 2006.
Yunjie Xu and Hee-Woong Kim, "Task Performance and Social Information Seeking," International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Milwakee US, 2006.
Suparna, Hock Chuan Chan, and Hee-Woong Kim, "Spreadsheet Error Correction using an Activity Framework and a Cognitive Fit Perspective," International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Milwakee US, 2006.
Kee-Young Kwhak and Hee-Woong Kim "Examinig the determinants of and the consequence of readiness for change," Korea Management Information Systems Conference, Seoul Korea 2006. (Best Paper Award)
Hee-Woong Kim, "Customer retention in electronic commerce," Korean Management Information Systems Conference, Jeju Korea, November 2005.
Hee-Woong Kim, Hong Li, and Sumeet Gupta, "Different effects of perceived price and risk on purchase intention for potential and repeat customers," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Bangkok Thailand, July 2005.
Hee-Woong Kim and Yunjie Xu, "Internet shopping: Is it a matter of perceived price or trust," Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Washington DC, 2004, 831-842. (Nominated for Best Paper)
Hee-Woong Kim, Hock-Chan Chuan, Yee Pia Chan, and Sumeet Gupta, "Understanding the balanced effects of belief and feeling on information systems continuance," Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Washington DC, 2004, 297-310.
Sumeet Gupta and Hee-Woong Kim, "Enhancing the commitment to virtual community: Belief and feeling based approach," Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Washington DC, 2004, 101-114.
Sumeet Gupta and Hee-Woong Kim, "Virtual community: Concepts, implications, and future research directions," American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New York, 2004, 1679-1687.
Hee-Woong Kim, Joon Koh, and Yunjie Xu, "Trust building in an Internet vendor: Comparison between new and repeat customers," Information Resource Management Association (IRMA) Conference, New Orleans, 2004, 115-118.
Hendry Sumilo Santoso and Hee-Woong Kim, "Understanding IT-enabled organizational change: A structural analysis," European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Turku Finland, 2004.
Yunjie Xu and Hee-Woong Kim, "Trust Research in the Transactional Context and Its Implications for Online Trust," Proceedings of the Seventh Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Adelaide Australia, 2003.
Hee-Woong Kim, Gil-Hyung Lee, and Shan-Ling Pan, "Exploring the Critical Success Factors for Customer Relationship Management Systems," Twenty-Third International Conference on Information SystemsICIS, Barcelona Spain, 2002. 1-6.
Hee-Woong Kim, Gil-Hyung Lee, and Shan-Ling Pan, "Exploring the Critical Success Factors for Customer Relationship Management Systems," Twenty-Third International Conference on Information SystemsICIS, Barcelona Spain, 2002. 1-6.
Young-Gul Kim, Kyung-Ho Kim, Hee-Woong Kim, and Ji-Won Moon, "Enhancement of organizational effectiveness: OASIS Project Case," Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific DSI Conference, Taipei, 1998.
Hee-Woong Kim, "Enhancement of organizational performance using dynamic process modeling," International Conference on Information Systems ICIS, Doctoral Consortium, Atlanta Georgia, 1997.
Hee-Woong Kim and Young-Gul Kim, "Dynamic Process Modeling with Simulation: BPR Application," Proceedings of 1st Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference, Hong Kong, vol 3, 1996, pp 1301-1310.
Hee-Woong Kim and Young-Gul Kim, "Organization Model-based Simulation Method: Process Innovation Application," Proceedings of the 8th European Simulation Symposium, Genoa Italy, vol 1, 1996, pp 211-215.
Kee-Young Kwahk and Hee-Woong Kim, "Decision Support Loop based on Organizational Knowledge," Korea Management Information Systems Conference, Seoul Korea 2003. (Best Paper Award)
Hee-Woong Kim and Young-Gul Kim, "Organizational Decision Support Systems with BPR," Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui Hawaii, vol IV, 1996, pp 62-71.